Hot Photoshop How-Tos

How To: Create a vector using a render in Photoshop

This awesome simple Adobe Photoshop vector tutorial teaches how to create a vector using a render. This tutorial also has some great tips for beginners to achieve some great results. Vector graphics is a crucial tool of the professional graphics world, so if you don't know how to work with vectors, or need more practice, check out this Photoshop tutorial and learn how to create vectors from renders.

How To: Touch up high dynamic range (HDR) images in Photoshop

This software tutorial shows you how you can blend three differently exposed images using Photomatix, and then demonstrate how to use some basic Photoshop techniques to touch-up the resulting image. [Note: the Flash overlay in this video doesn't sync completely with the audio; pausing for a second and then resuming it fixes the problem.]

How To: Use vanishing point in Photoshop

Jordan shows how to use Vanishing Point - a useful tool is Photoshop! The vanishing point tool is Photoshop's way of allowing you to create images that look 3-dimensional and allows you to add components and lighting to an image while maintaining the proper perspective. So check out this Photoshop tutorial on the vanishing point tool and prepare to add some cool 3D effects to your photos.

How To: Remove red eye using Photoshop easily

Jordan shows us a simple way to remove the red eye created by the flash of a camera using Adobe Photoshop. No matter where the red eye came from, you can remove it easily from any picture after watching this Photoshop tutorial. There are many ways to remove red eye and some are dirtier than others, but this method will give you a nice natural looking pupil in the end.

How To: Whiten teeth in Photoshop

Jordan explains how to whiten teeth with Photoshop very quick and simply! Make all those coffee drinkers and smokers look like they just spent hours at the dentist''s office and whiten their teeth in minutes in Photoshop instead.

How To: Remove red eye using Photoshop

It doesn't matter how great your digital camera is, there are going to be times when you take pictures and your subjects have red eye. So watch this Photoshop tutorial and learn how to use Photoshop to "get the red out". Removing red eye is a basic and easy to learn process in Photoshop.

How To: Create an abstract image in Photoshop

Are you at all artistic? Do you love cool abstract looking art? Tired of boring backgrounds for your computer or hunting online for ones that aren't? Check out this Adobe Photoshop software tutorial and learn how to create your own abstract background images. You don't have to use this abstract Photoshop art for just a background, but anything you want! Don't forget this is just one idea, so watch the tutorial and then get creative and make your own abstract images in Photoshop.

How To: Create life on Mars with Match Color in Photoshop

This tutorial shows you how to use the Match Color tool in Photoshop to take a dog, or any subject extracted from a background and make it look like it's on Mars and belongs there. Even if you don't care about life on Mars, watch the tutorial anyway and learn how to use Match Color to match any subject with any background that you like or need!

How To: Create actions in Adobe Photoshop

Learn how to create actions in this Photoshop tutorial. Actions are a way of recording one or more moves or steps you would take to modify an image. This way, every time you need to resize or modify another image the same way, you only have to click the action. A great time saver and a must for batching photos.

How To: Use the F shortcut key in Photoshop

Do you even know what the F key does? or what it stands for? We'll give you a hint - it helps you toggle between the different screen modes like full screen, standard screen, and maximized screen. So check out this Photoshop tutorial and see how to use the F shortcut key.