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How To: Change Skin Tone in Photoshop

With Adobe Photoshop on your computer, it's super easy to change or adjust the skin tone of somebody in a digital photo. The process uses some basic selection and color adjustment tools, and it's a fun way to make a friend's face nauseously green or lessen the effects of overly strong, sometimes even orange, makeup.

How To: Soften skin, control color & tones in Photoshop CS4

Learn about skin softening techniques and the controlling of color and tones when working in Adobe Photoshop! Whether you're new to computer graphics, new to Adobe Photoshop CS4 or a seasoned design professional just looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're certain to like this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started managing skin tones in Photoshop yourself, watch this designer's guide!

How To: Change an object's color in Photoshop using magic wand

Use the "Magic Wand" tool to select the color you wish to change. The next step is to open the replace color box. Go to Image > Adjustments > Replace Color. After the Replace Color box is open, you may have to select the color that you want to change in the image. Sometimes, it will automatically select the color you're changing, but sometimes you will have to use the Eyedropper Tool and click a hue of the color you wish to change. After the color is selected in the "Replace Color" box, you c...

How To: Use Rembrandt lighting for images in Photoshop

This Photoshop video series is going to explain how to create a chiaroscuro lighting effect on an image. This art form was made famous by the Italian artist Rembrandt. Part one covers the origin of terms and how to create chiaroscuro dramatic lighting. Part two has instructions for downloading the image, and some very basic workspace and preferences instructions for beginners. Part three covers Duplicate Image, File Info, File Size, Eyedropper Sample, Doc Status Bar, Panels/Palettes. Part fou...

How To: Make your photos look like they were taken with a great camera

If you take a lot of photos with your smartphone or cheap digital camera, you can see the difference compared to results from a pro camera. So, if you want to get a professional camera look without dropping the money, check out this video to learn how to enhance your pics. This trick works with Photoshop, or any photo editing software that has a selection tool, a gradient tool and a gaussian blur filter.

How To: Create the "Twilight" text effect in Photoshop

Want to know how to create Twilight-style text using Adobe Photoshop? This lesson will show you how. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular image editing software or simply looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from TutVids. For more information, including step-by-step instructions on how to recreate Twilight's cover text, watch this graphic designer's guide.

How To: Design a car license plate in Photoshop

In this video you will learn how to design how to create a license plate in Adobe Photoshop. To do that that just follow these instructions: Create a new file with 1000x1000 px. Then create a new layer, pick a white color and make a rectangle with the rounded rectangle tool. Use the Rectangular Tool to create a new rectangle on a new layer like in the video. Now color the rectangle and merge the layers. Add the effects for the layers and make a new layer to create the stars for the license pl...

How To: Remove green screen spill from a monster in Photoshop

This image editing software tutorial shows you how to extract a green screen background from behind a spock-like monster in Photoshop CS3. Learn how to remove the green spill of light that appears around the edges of images, that are shot against a green screen backdrop. This is an important step in cleanly extracting a background professionally in Photoshop. Especially if you want your monster scenes to look great!

How To: Smooth skin in Photoshop CS3

Think every model you see in a magazine has perfectly smooth skin? Sure, but don't worry, it's not natural! You can do the exact same thing in Photoshop with this tutorial. Watch and learn how to smooth skin by retouching portraits with blur tools in Photoshop CS3.

How To: Remove hair roots from an image in Photoshop

Has it been a while since you last colored your hair? Unless you get your hair retouched every month, you're bound to have pesky hair roots popping out. These roots are especially noticeable if you have dyed your hair dark and have naturally light hair, or have naturally dark hair and dyed your hair light.

How To: Extend a background in Photoshop

All of us know by now that the pictures you see of actresses and models in magazines have been doctored beyond belief. After the initial photo shoot, retouchers quickly work their magic with thigh chub resizing (only in Photoshop do women not have cellulite), wrinkle reducing, and skin spot removing.

How To: Create and save large poster art in Adobe Photoshop CS5

In this clip, you'll learn how to export poster art for high-resolution printing when working in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editor or a seasoned designer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from this free software tutorial. For more information, watch this video guide.

How To: Use and apply the Puppet Warp tool in Adobe Photoshop CS5

In this clip for Photoshop novices, you'll learn how to utilize the ever-popular CS5 Puppet Warp tool. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editor or a seasoned designer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from this free software tutorial. For more information, watch this video guide.

How To: Change the color of an object in Adobe Photoshop

Want to change the color of something after the fact? With Adobe Photoshop, it's an easy thing to do. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video guide.

How To: Turn anyone into a sparkly vampire from Twilight

In the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer, vampires don't melt away in the sunlight. Instead, they sparkle like a beautiful piece of crystal. In this clip, learn how to take a photo of anyone at all and turn them into a sparkling daytime vegetarian vampire like the Cullen family. If you are dying to know what you would look like as a vamp, check out this clip and celebrate the release of Eclipse with a sparkling photo of yourself.

How To: Use Photoshop's liquify filter to change how you look

The Liquify filter lets you paint in distortions so you can perform digital nips and tucks. You can slim people down, edit their posture, and make them look exactly how you want them to. See how in this video. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detaile...

How To: Lose weight using Photoshop's liquify filter

In this video, we learn how to lose weight using the liquify filter on PhotoShop. Before beginning, open up PhotoShop and the image you want to adjust. First, click on "filter" then "liquify". Next, use the forward warp tool and adjust the size of the brush to the body part you want to change. click on the body parts to make them smaller. Push in the body parts you want to be smaller, pushing in small parts one at a time. If you do too much, the picture will become blurry and it will not look...

How To: Change lip color & shade in Photoshop

Forget to put on lipstick before a photo? Or perhaps you want to spice up an old photo of someone you love. Well their is a way, as 4YouTutorial demonstrates step by step using Photoshop CS4. First upload a photo or image into Photoshop. Next access your Photoshop layers and delete the default locked layer. After, activate the zoom tool and zoom in on the photo where the lips are located. Next choose the quick selection tool (make sure it's on plus) and drag it over her lips. This process can...

How To: Create a speech bubble in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial video from Tasktutorial, the host leads you through the process of creating a speech bubble in Photoshop. As you watch this video and follow along with the host, you will learn how to create a speech bubble, like they use in the comics. You will also learn how to add color and blur effects to it, to give it a more three dimensional feel, as well as how to use the stroke effect to give it that comic book outline when you're done.

How To: Draw realistic eyelashes in Photoshop

This video demonstrates how to draw eyelashes using Adobe Photoshop and a graphics tablet. You need three tools to draw eyelashes: Soft Round Brush, Smudge Tool, and Eraser. Create a new layer. On the upper eyelid, draw each eyelash with Soft Round Brush (color: black, width 17px, opacity 100%). Use Smudge Tool (width 45 and straight 25%) on the eyelashes to straighten them. Use Eraser (width 65 and opacity 100%) if necessary. Create a new layer and use the same tools for the bottom of the ey...

How To: Create an old faded newspaper effect in Photoshop

The video is about how an old stalled photographic image with faded backgrounds to a normal image. A nice clean digital image is taken and is mixed with a texture of a paper and produces a final composite image of all effects combined. The procedure is not that difficult but it needs to be followed in a proper order. First the paper texture is taken as a base and then the clean digital image is dragged onto this texture. The blending mode is adjusted from normal to multiplied blending mode, w...

How To: Emboss text on a glass surface in Photoshop

In this Photoshop video tutorial, hosted by photoshopuniverse, from Free Photoshop Video Tutorials, you will learn how to create an effect that makes it appear as though text you input into your image has been embossed on a glass surface. As you follow along with the host in this video, you will learn how to insert text, and align it to a plane, so that it will appear to be aligned to the surface you want to place the text on, as well as how to achieve the embossed look when you're finished.

How To: Isolate one color with Adobe Photoshop

This how to will teach you how to single out one color with Adobe's Photoshop CS5. This technique will work with other versions of PS as well. With this trick, you'll be able to create some fantastic effects, make colors pop, or simply highlight something you want to show off. It's not hard to do, and a useful things to know if you're planning on putting your Photoshop skills to use in a professional manner. Now you can remove all but one color in Photoshop.

How To: Find out how you will look with a piercing using Photoshop

If you're thinking about getting a piercing, but aren't sure how it will make you look, you can use a program like Photoshop or GIMP to edit in a fake piercing. Start with a photo of yourself, with the area you are considering piercing shown prominently. Then find a picture of someone with the same kind of piercing that you want, and then use some of the editing tools and tricks in photoshops to see how it will look on you!

How To: Change image size in Photoshop CS3

In this tutorial, we learn how to change image size in Photoshop CS3. First, go to your pictures folder and then open up your picture. From here, reduce the image to 50% of what it is by opening up Photoshop. Load the picture to this, then go to the edit menu of the image and zoom in and out of it to see the image larger or smaller than what you want it. You can also crop it if you want to remove something from the image. When you're finished changing the size, save this to your computer and ...

How To: Enhance color & tone when retouching a sports photo in Photoshop CS5

In this video tutorial, we learn how to bring out color and enhance tone when retouching a sports photograph in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editor or a seasoned designer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from this free software tutorial. For more information, watch this video guide.

How To: Combine two or more photographs in Adobe Photoshop CS5

Learn how to create a composite from multiple images when using Adobe Photoshop CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editor or a seasoned designer looking to better acquaint yourself with the new features and functions of the latest iteration of the application, you're sure to benefit from this free software tutorial. For more information, watch this video guide.

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